A Letter from Elizabeth Craven to Dr Edward Jenner

There is a letter from "E. Craven" dated 21st April 1791 in the collection of the Wellcome Foundation in London. The library catalogue does not identify it as being from Elizabeth Craven, let alone cross-reference it. Nor does it connect it in any way with Dr. Edward Jenner, the celebrated physician. It is in the papers of the Reverend George Charles Jenner (1767-1846), who was in 1791 the vicar of Berkeley in Gloucestershire, a parish that included Craven's ancestral family home, Berkeley Castle. T he Berkeleys and Cravens had very close links with the Jenner family, who held this church living for many generations. The Earls of Berkeley were patrons of the parish and chose its incumbent. The Rev. George Jenner was the son of the Rev. Henry Jenner (1737-1798) previous vicar of Berkeley, who had succeeded his father the Rev. Stephen Jenner (1702-1754). Dr Edward Jenner (1749-1823), the pioneer of vaccination, wa...