
Showing posts from June, 2019

Elizabeth Staples, "the cruel Mrs Craven".

St Mary's Church in Kintbury, West Berkshire, contains a curious monument dating from the late eighteenth-century, when Jane Austen sometimes stayed in the village as a guest of her friend Eliza, wife of the vicar, the Rev. Fulwar Craven Fowle. He owed his job to his second cousin once removed, Lord Craven, who was the patron of the parish.  The Rev. Fowle  commanded the local company of military volunteers, and did so very admirably, by all accounts. In 1799, he was complimented by George III in person. The monument is one of a pair of very handsome marble memorials to members of the Raymond family, who owned the local manor house of Barton Court. It commemorates a Mr Jemmet Raymond and his second wife, Elizabeth who, before she married Jemmet Raymond, was Mrs Charles Craven, grandmother of both the vicar and his wife. There are life-sized marble busts of both of them, in Roman attire, a large classical urn and this inscription: "Sacred to the memory ...