A Production of The Beggars' Opera at Benham in 1805
I am very grateful to Jill Kamp for sending me this fascinating and little-known picture of an entertainment at Benham Park, the Berkshire home of Elizabeth Craven, in 1805. It is a drawing done by one of Elizabeth Craven's friends, John Nixon, a keen amateur actor who appeared in many of her productions at Brandenburgh House. This picture shows that she sometimes put on theatrical entertainments at Benham as well. The date, January 7th 1805, is very close to Twelfth Night and this must have been part of the Christmas fun that Craven loved to organize for her house-parties. The singers and actors were all guests of hers, and quite likely many of the musicians were too. John Gay's operetta The Beggars' Opera was written in 1728, so it was already a classic by the time Craven decided to revive it. The story is all about thieves, cut-throats, bawds and whores, so the choice indicates Craven did not care a hoot about ...